Track Ultra WA is WA’s own 3, 6, 12, 24 and 24 hr Relay event.
Set in the beautiful South West Region of Western Australia, the Bunbury Athletics Arena is just a hop step and jump from Perth and the South Wests many attractions
The warm and inviting atmosphere of a track event is what sets it apart. The ability to walk, run or cry your way to your personal best with others in a safe and supportive environment
As one of the only certified tracks and events within the Ultra Marathon running calendar, your results will be officially recorded with the International Association of Ultra Runners, so this is the ideal place and conditions to set your goal, push yourself, and find out what you can accomplish!!
Track Ultra WA is open to Walkers, the novice runner or the serious athlete who is chasing that elusive 240 km. Ability levels mean nothing in distance running, the challenge is against ourselves to pull out our best on the day.
ENTRY OPEN! ………..22th Aug 2022 for all events, .. !!